About Me


Welcome! I'm Jaimie,

I am currently 36, living in Michigan with my fiancé. We've been together 5 years and getting married in 2025! I am also Bonus Mom to my fiancé's 2 sons and we have 4 dogs and 1 cat (adopt, don't shop!). We love to travel (cruising is our favorite) and we love Disney!

I've owned my Intimacy & Relationship small business for 11 years while my fiancé has owned his MMA/Strength & Conditioning gym for 23 years. Together, we work many hours but we both love being our own boss. We both love the simple things in life. We would rather save our money and create memories through getaways. He is the ying to my yang. We've learned a lot together and I'm so beyond grateful to have him by my side. 

My journey in the realm of intimacy and relationships began in 2013 when I started selling Pure Romance products. I was in Nursing school and just wanted something fun to do to make some money on my own time. I had no idea what I was really getting into (other than I knew I would be selling sex toys lol). 

Entering this field was super hard for me at first. I was 24, super shy, and came from a family that absolutely did NOT openly talk about sex. This field opened up a new world to me. I did in-home parties for women every Thursday, Friday and Saturday night. Over the years I met HUNDREDS of women and heard hundreds of personal stories. I soon realized the impact of this work.

Here are some of the things I quickly realized:

- Most people want to find new ways to spice up their relationships but don't know where to start. 

-Talking about sex can be uncomfortable and taboo for majority of people. So we have crap sex lives because we are too scared to talk about it or too scared to actually say what we want because we are afraid of being judged. 

- A LOT of people in long term relationships think they have low libido because they don't feel that "spark" anymore. Guess what? This is normal and you just need to learn the tools to feel that connection again. 

- When our sex life is crap, it spills over into every other aspect of our life (especially our romantic relationships). When you prioritize your pleasure, it's a catalyst for transformation. It leads to epic, fulfilling sex and stronger, more meaningful relationships. That's when all is good in the world!

Long story short, after a few years I realized this was my calling. To begin NORMALIZING the conversation around sex and pleasure. To talk about it openly and honestly. To help men and women realize they are not broken and that our libidos fluctuate throughout our lifetime. To provide a safe space for people to ask questions. To provide resources & quality products. To help couples spark the intimacy again in their relationships! 

So I decided that Nursing wasn't the route for me. Instead, I knew I was meant to teach men and women more about Sex and provide resources & products for everyone!

Fast Forward to today, I am still a distributor with Pure Romance because I LOVE these products. PR has been the #1 global leader in intimacy for 30 years. I stand behind their products because they are high quality, high tech and safe for use on our bodies. Can you go down the street at your local sex shop and find a $19 vibrator? Absolutely. Will it be of quality, safe silicone, pH balanced and give you the strongest orgasm you've ever had? Probably not. 

I package ALL orders myself and with much love. When you support my business, not only are you supporting your sex life, but you are supporting my family as well <3 After your orders have been sent out, you'll get a thank you text from me and I am very much easy to keep in contact with! 

Aside from selling the products, its still my main goal to NORMALIZE the conversation around sex and pleasure. I still host in-person events but now with the internet, I am beyond grateful to reach even more men and women. Through my blog posts, podcast, free guides, courses and free webinars, I continue to teach and give you as much information as possible so you can live a pleasurable, sex-filled life!

I hope you'll stay in my world for awhile (I recommend subscribing to my emails!)

xo, Jaimie